Posted May 15, 2014 by with 29 comments

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 9.27.20 AMYou didn’t really think he was gone, did you? Despite being fired (or quitting, depending on which version of events you believe) from NextDoorStudios nearly a year ago, gay-for-pay porn star Cody Cummings is making his predictable return to gay porn, and it’s with NextDoorStudios. The site just published his comeback teaser this morning. Orange you glad they were able to make amends?

24970_11-e1344459910215Before he “retired,” Cody Cummings spent the better part of a decade jacking off, letting other gay men jack him off, fucking women, letting other gay men suck his dick, simulating anal sex by standing in a darkened room and placing his limp dick within inches of another man’s ass and dry humping the air, letting other gay men eat Lucky Charms out of his ass, and—one time—using his knee to massage another man’s butt cheek. I can’t wait to see what he won’t do next.

milkedJust last March, Cody threatened to make a return to porn on the straight side, but they obviously didn’t want him there. So, it’s back to letting guys pour milk in his asshole.

One of the reasons Cody Cummings cited for leaving last year was that his 15-year-old daughter wouldn’t speak to him due to his work as a gay porn performer (in fairness to Cody, he never really did perform in any gay porn, so…), but maybe the daughter has learned to embrace her meh-for-pay dad? Or, maybe Cody finally gave up on trying to have a relationship with his daughter? Either way, I’m sure you care.

And I hope you’re sitting down, because Cody Cummings’ big comeback scene is……wait for it……a solo jerk off clip.

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And here’s a longer clip, which is completely and totally unlike anything you have ever seen before from Cody Cummings. Brace yourself:


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