Cody Cummings Says He’ll Do “Anything” If You Give Him Money

Posted May 28, 2014 by with 9 comments

codyAnything? I can think of a few things…

The money is for a friend with cancer:

cody 2If you think Cody’s pulling a scam and just wants the money for himself, think again! Here’s the person with cancer, to whom you can donate directly if you feel like bypassing Cody. Also, the person happens to be an openly gay, former employee of NextDoorStudios.

Meanwhile, let’s see how far Cody is willing to go.

codycummingsCody Cummings made a partial return to gay porn by stroking his cock for the 79,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time last week, so why not whip out the camera again and make a video sucking cock? If he really cares about his cancer friend, he’ll suck that dick.

Maybe seeing how much money he could raise will inspire him?

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