Watch Cody Cummings Stroke His Big Fat Cock For The First Time Ever!*

Posted May 22, 2014 by with 12 comments

49427_02It’s finally here! Finally, a video of gay porn mega hunk Cody Cummings stroking his big fat cock for the first time ever (*since being fired from NextDoorStudios last year)! If you’ve always wanted to see this legendary gay porn icon tugging on his thick shaft of man meat for the 50 millionth time while uttering things like “fuck ya” and “you like that?” just as he’s done 80 billion times before, this is your lucky day, for the 999 bajillionth day in a row! Finally!

Today’s email from NextDoorStudios:

We have great news for fans of Cody Cummings. This Friday we will release his first new scene on both and Whether you love him, or hate him, one thing’s for sure…this controversial star sure pulls in the traffic and the sales!

Cody brings the sizzle in his new intimate scene that fans won’t want to miss…

Get ready, because it’s happening. Whether you like it or not.

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[ Cody Cummings Jacks Off]

Obviously, this “comeback” is all about money. Desperate times = desperate measures! And regardless of what anyone thinks about Cody Cummings, he truly does bring in sales. But, I’m curious. Who do you think needs the money more: NextDoorStudios or Cody Cummings?

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