Filmed A Gay Porn Scene Next To A Freeway
Because nothing says “sexy” like getting fucked in the butt during rush hour, decided to film their latest scene in a hotel room overlooking a freeway.
Looks like they’re in Atlanta, but I could be wrong. Anyone recognize the hotel room decor? Anyone remember driving home from work, looking up, and seeing Colt Rivers getting fucked in the ass? I guess this brings new meaning to the phrase “bumper to bumper”? (Thank you, I’m here all week.)
Golf club and equipment rental: $175
Deluxe suite hotel room: $600 Performers’ scene rates and director’s fee: $2,800 Not editing out the photographer’s reflection in your promo images? Priceless.
While tries to decide if they ever want to hire a photo editor (or a photographer who knows what he’s doing), let’s focus on the always exceptionally hot Colt Rivers.
Colt Rivers looks like he’s having a good time (when is he not?), but you have to wonder…
How much you wanna bet he’d rather be posing for these pics in one of those cars down there?
This scene itself is above average for a scene, and you can thank highly skilled powerbottom Colt Rivers for that, since his performances are basically the gold standard for getting fucked in 2014.
Clip (watch full scene here):
[ Cameron Foster Fucks Colt Rivers]