Dakota Payne Fucks His “Only Fan” In OnlyFans Gay Porn Parody, My Only Fan

Posted May 27, 2021 by with 13 comments


How many more ways can you use the word “fan” to identify a content creator platform? There’s OnlyFans, 4MyFans, and probably a dozen other sites using the F-word, and now Dakota Payne is playing a content creator who’s launched his very own site, which is simply called “My Fans” in this NextDoor parody.


One of the main perks of joining Dakota’s MyFans account? He actually travels to his fans’ houses and fucks them. Nice!

daklee3 Dakota’s fan in this scene, which is called My Only Fan, is played by Leeroy Jones, and here’s the trailer (watch full scene here):

[NextDoor: Leeroy Jones Fucks Dakota Payne Bareback]

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