Emmys Sink To Disastrous New Ratings Low

Posted January 16, 2024 by with 5 comments

No one cares about Trump, and no one cares about the meaningless Emmys, either. Only 4.3 million watched the telecast last night, which is basically just the nominees and their families, studio employees, and the Twitter gays (literally the only demographic left who watches award shows). Via Deadline:

Only 4.3M viewers watched Monday night’s ceremony on Fox, according to early Nielsen data.

That’s a significant decrease from last year’s previous all-time low, when less than 6M people tuned in for the show on NBC. The awards show was also down more than 37% from the last time the Emmys aired on Fox in 2019, when the audience sank to a then-historic low of 6.9M.

No one watched the Emmys because barely anyone watches TV, unless it’s a sporting event. The Bear won a bunch of awards, but do you know anyone who watches it? I don’t know one single viewer. Succession was good, but it’s over and done, and less than 1% of the American population watched it. House Of The Dragon aired over a year ago. Something called Beef and Bad Sisters were nominated, as was a miniseries from the creator of Glee about a real-life cannibal who ate human beings back in the 1980’s. Who is supposed to care about this crap?

I had the Emmys on in the background and thought Christina Applegate’s opening was sweet (as seen above), but it went downhill from there. Having a serial sexual assault suspect hosting the show was insane, but like the Catholic church, Hollywood is full of pedophiles and psychotic rapists (all of whom are protected by billionaire studio heads and publicists), so I guess this shouldn’t be a surprise. 95% of whoever was left watching definitely changed the channel when they gave some kind of lifetime achievement award to GLAAD (good lord). The one “reunion” they did with the cast of Ally McBeal (as seen below) was cute, but all the other ones felt desperately forced and cringe. TV is dead, no one cares, time to move on.

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