Felix Fox Sucks Trent King’s Cock On A Gay Pride Float In Front Of Parade Watchers

Posted June 12, 2022 by with 13 comments

Sucking cock on a parade float, right in front of a crowd of people? That’s MEN’s idea of Pride. I wonder what Patriot Front would think of this?


This Pride float blowjob is happening today in a scene called “Bursting With Pride,” starring Trent King and Felix Fox (with ubiquitous MEN extras Leo Louis and the guy in the hat). MEN’s infamous Horrified Lady is in the crowd, too, and she does not like what she’s seeing.


Bitch, it could be worse. At least they’re not snorting coke on a Swiss Navy lube float in Florida.

More of Felix bottoming for Trent (thankfully, the fucking happens back in an apartment and not on the float):

Trailer (watch full scene here):

[Men.com: Trent King Fucks Felix Fox Bareback]

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