Posted August 12, 2014 by with 26 comments

tumblr_n9v9gv8ODr1s7twfho1_500ICYMI from last week, here are eight more reasons as to why people have completely lost their fucking minds over Gay Hoopla’s Aiden Miller:

tumblr_n9v9gv8ODr1s7twfho2_500tumblr_n9v9gv8ODr1s7twfho3_500tumblr_n9v528zEiC1s7twfho1_500 tumblr_n9v528zEiC1s7twfho2_500 tumblr_n9v528zEiC1s7twfho3_500 tumblr_n9v528zEiC1s7twfho4_500 tumblr_n9v528zEiC1s7twfho5_500AND:

Don’t forget, Aiden Miller’s duo scene (and his “first time” having gay sex) with Jason Keys is now live.

aiden miller gay hoopla


[GayHoopla: Aiden Miller Fucks Jason Keys]


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