Now There’s A GayHoopla Model Wearing A Mask To Hide His Face

Posted July 21, 2019 by with 21 comments


Well, at least it’s something new?

Instead of blurring out or pixelating the new model’s face, GayHoopla has decided to mix things up by having him wear a mask. Kinda sexy, and yet, kinda creepy.


Eyes Wide Shut who?

esHe doesn’t wear the mask in the whole scene, thankfully, and you can catch a glimpse of a portion of his face here:

masked3gayhoopla-masked-man-7 gayhoopla-masked-man-12As usual, this faceless/nameless model can be seen by members once logged in to GayHoopla. But, based on the tattoos, most of you can probably easily identify him as Gunner Forbes. Gunner has performed on GayHoopla’s straight site, HotGuysFuck, where he is indeed a hot guy, and he is in fact fucking:

hotguysfuck-gunner-forbes-jordyn-proctor-6Trailer for Gunner’s solo (watch full scene here):

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[GayHoopla: Masked Man Jerks Off]


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