Now Filming “Desperate Teens” Fucking On The Side Of The Road

Posted January 21, 2015 by with 5 comments


If you thought Bait Bus was ratchet, get a load of’s new series, “Desperate Teens,” where a faceless driver (played by monster-cocked Jay Rising) picks up young, allegedly “desperate” teens and fucks them on the side of the road. I wonder if any of the teens were picked up outside of a bowling alley?


Rather than renting out a hotel room overlooking the freeway (and showing up in the hotel room window’s reflection), is now just filming teen boys getting fucked in the back seat of a car in exchange for a ride home.

Come for the jailbait subtext, stay for the shitty handheld filming!

DesperateTeensDMH07If you like “less is more”-style porn (and by “less” I mean “absolutely no production value whatsoever”), you’ll love’s Desperate Teens”!

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[’s “Desperate Teens”: Jay Rising Fucks Max Bradley]


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