Whoops: A Fratboy Almost Tripped Over The Bro He Was Barebacking
It’s hard enough trying to bareback someone in front of your friends and a camera crew while you’re also trying to watch football, smoke cigarettes, and drink beer, but then attempting to walk after blowing a load in someone’s ass? That takes real coordination. Today on Fraternity X, one fratboy nearly loses his balance after busting a nut in his bro’s butt:
Thank GOD, the fratboy is fine and was able to catch himself from falling at the last minute. As far as the one being barebacked…he didn’t have it that easy.
Whatever Fraternity X lacks in, well, basically everything (sets, direction, editing, videography, condoms), they make up for in extremely hard and incredibly rough ass pounding. And although the three fratboy tops are all pretty ratchet looking (one of them is Johnny Forza, btw), they really do know how to fuck, even if one of them almost falls over after pulling out.
Clip from the new Fraternity X scene, “Balls Deep, Yo” (watch full scene here):
[Fraternity X: Balls Deep, Yo]