Helix Studios Power Couple Update: Ben Masters & Angel Rivera, Max Carter & Kyle Ross, And Evan Parker & Tyler Hill

Posted February 22, 2018 by with 49 comments

powercJust a quick update for those who like to keep track of who’s dating whom, who’s marrying whom, and all other power couples news at Helix Studios.

First, although they already became engaged last Christmas when Max Carter proposed to Kyle Ross, Kyle decided to give Max an engagement ring of his own on Valentine’s Day. Here’s Kyle surprising Max on the Vegas strip last week:

Helix’s other long term power couple Evan Parker and Tyler Hill appear to have recently gone through a rough patch (as so many couples do), but don’t worry: They’ve worked things out, and the fan favorite couple is back together:

tyler1 tyler2Finally, Ben Masters and Angel Rivera—the newest Helix gay porn powercouple—are still going strong, and they’re still one of the most scorching hot duos of 2018. And while we wait for Helix to release their first scene together, Ben and Angel are sharing their own photos and videos to keep fans’ thirst quenched:


And speaking of Ben Masters, he’s in this week’s Helix sex scene, and his top is Cameron Parks. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix: Cameron Parks Fucks Ben Masters Bareback]

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