Gay Porn Before And After: Jack Hunter Haircut Edition

Posted May 10, 2017 by with 48 comments

jh5Some people can’t pull off a short haircut, but that’s clearly not the case for Jack Hunter. In fact, with his new cut, it’s possible that he looks better than ever?

Here’s Jack Hunter showing off a new haircut yesterday, making him 100,000 times hotter than he already was, I think:


On the left, Jack Hunter before the haircut. On the right, Jack Hunter today:



We saw Jack Hunter bottoming yesterday with some help from a musical instrument, but today he’s in a more traditional scene, and we get to see him putting his big dick to use as a top:

sb_petermarcus_pics-53 sb_petermarcus_pics-52 sb_petermarcus_pics-201 sb_petermarcus_pics-203 sb_petermarcus_pics-202The lucky bottom is newcomer Peter Marcus, and the scene is for ShowerBait (watch full scene here):

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[ShowerBait: Jack Hunter Fucks Peter Marcus]

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