James Jamesson Gay-Bashed A Hairy European

Posted June 19, 2014 by with 3 comments

james jamesson gay pornIt’s the one gay porn scenario that never gets old: A couple of straight guys “punishing” a flirty fag by, of course, forcing him to suck their cocks and then fucking the shit out of him. In today’s version, James Jamesson (who’s been romantically linked to trans icon Bambiā€”a former NextDoor make-up artist) and Damien West (who probably is straight IRL) angrily chase down Aaron Steel (a fruity European tourist) after he proudly announces that he’ll “be their girl,” much to their disgust.

Those of you who enjoy homophobia in your gay porn will just love this.

50151_10 Here’s the trailer, which you kind of have to see to believe. (Watch the full scene on NextDoorBuddies, where memberships are now just $1.)


[NextDoorBuddies: James Jamesson & Damien West Fuck Aaron Steel]

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