WHITES ONLY: JD Phoenix Refuses To Work With Blacks, Asians, And Latinos
Not wanting to fuck an entire race of people because you’re not “attracted” to their skin color kind of makes you racist, in my opinion. Not necessarily Ku Klux Klan-level racist, but one of those passive, “I have black friends!” kind of modern day racists. If you’re choosing to form an opinion and discriminate specifically because of someone’s race, you’ve got a problem with race. And declaring that every single black man on Earth is not your “type” solely because he is black also means that you have a problem with race, and you should probably deal it.
And that brings us to gay porn star JD Phoenix, who has no problem admitting his racial biases to his fans on Twitter and ask.fm. Not only will JD Phoenix not fuck blacks, Asians, and Latinos off camera, he won’t do it on camera for work, either. He’s an equal opportunity racist! Whites only, please.
Even if you don’t think something like this is racist, we can all agree that this is an incredibly fucking stupid thing to say, publicly, right?
And while JD Phoenix might not want to fuck any men of color, he will at least let a man of color (Leo Forte) whip him until he bleeds. Irony Alert: