Jed Athens: “Hot House Is A Lame Studio And Christian Owen Is A Liar”

Posted April 1, 2014 by with 20 comments

tumblr_mg83qpqvPt1qmn7e8o1_500Gay porn’s most reliable nutcase and shit-talking bareback model Jed Athens is back with more words of wisdom, and by “words of wisdom,” I mean he’s bitching and moaning on his blog again.

He’s already said that he wanted to murder director Bruno Bond. He’s already accused Titan of being cheap. Now, Jed Athens is taking on Hot House director Christian Owen over some dumb dildo scene he shot with Jimmy Durano:

This scene happened when someone cancelled the shoot and Christian Owen needed someone to fill in for him. Since I lived in LA driving to Palm Springs, made me a quick fill in. I was told to come to set at a certain time and wow that was a lie. I was stuck there for over eight hours waiting. That was a huge bore. I just wanted to shoot myself. Christian Owen is known for lying about things that have to do with shooting or porn in general. Like as in emails and text messages telling you are a top or a bottom and you find out on set you are the opposite.

So the shoot was in a rank Palm Springs clothing optional resort. The resort smelled of piss and shit, and with some very hideous trolls roaming the grounds and even with a “Do Not Enter” sign that did not stop the trolls from poking their deteriorating mugs shots on set…

So the scene was kind of boring. The scene had dildos and I kind of like the feeling of a hot muscle body slamming into my ass. So I am not a huge fan of toys. I will use them but not on a regular basis. But there was none of that on set, sad for me. Christian Owen after seeing me take the dildo I brought, ASSumed I was able to take a fist but that wasn’t going to happen. The highlight of the shoot was when I got to deep throat Jimmy [Durano’s] fat ol’cock. Which always helps me getting close to cumming but that never ended up on film. Other than that nothing exciting happened. Hot House is kind of a lame studio to shoot since Christian decided to take the studio over.

Mew, mew, mew…is this all Jed Athens does—whine about how awful everything is? Actually, he kind of reminds me of me, except I can (usually) write in complete sentences and you can’t fit the Empire State Building in my ass.

Here’s the scene whiny old queen Jed Athens is complaining about, via Hot House fetish line Club Inferno Dungeon:

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[ClubInfernoDungeon: Jimmy Durano and Jed Athens]


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