Johnny Rapid Plays Justin Bieber In Men’s “Pop Star” Gay Porn Parody

Posted September 27, 2016 by with 72 comments

justin-johnnyThey got the facial expression and the underwear style completely wrong, but other than that, Men and Johnny Rapid did a decent recreation of Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein photoshoot. It’s for’s upcoming “Pop Star” series, debuting on Saturday, in which Rapid plays a fictionalized version of Bieber.

justin-bieber-gay-pornt-starThis isn’t the first time has used Johnny Rapid to try and lure Justin Bieber (and his fans) into the world of gay porn. On January 14th of 2015, the studio offered Bieber $2 million to perform in a gay porn scene with Rapid:

This PR stunt was overshadowed just one day later, on January 15th, when Str8UpGayPorn broke the news that Johnny Rapid had been arrested for allegedly beating his girlfriend after she refused to have sex with Rapid and a girl whom the couple had met at a Georgia bowling alley.

If you can’t wait until Saturday for Johnny Rapid’s “Pop Star” series, today’s update features, who else, Johnny Rapid. In the scene, Romeo Alfonzo becomes the 113th man to fuck Johnny Rapid. (Complete list of people who have fucked Johnny Rapid here.)

0019 0022Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Romeo Alfonzo Fucks Johnny Rapid]

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