Who Did Jordan Levine Fuck Better: Vadim Black Or Bennett Anthony?

Posted March 23, 2017 by with 45 comments

jordan levineGay porn star Jordan Levine filmed, like, 10 zillion scenes for sister studios Men and Bromo recently, and every single day, one of those studios is now releasing one of those scenes. If you’re a Jordan Levine fan, that’s great news. Well, sort of.

0007Unfortunately, only the Men.com scene—co-starring Vadim Black—is worth watching, as the bareback Bromo scene was, yet again, filmed in a random, poorly-lit room, and it’s hard to tell what’s going on. You know gay porn is getting weird when I’m recommending a Vadim Black scene, but here it is:

0009 0015 0019 0024Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Men.com: Jordan Levine Fucks Vadim Black]

7And here’s the Bromo scene, co-starring Bennett Anthony, which is way too noisy, and way too dark. But, at least it’s not in a gross motel room, and it might appeal to hardcore bareback fans who don’t really care about production values.

10 11 15Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Bromo: Jordan Levine Fucks Bennett Anthony]

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