Julian Bell And Greyson Lane Make Their NextDoorStudios Debuts In Lackluster “Virgin Pride”

Posted September 2, 2019 by with 8 comments

julian-bell-fucks-greyson-lane-1Former GuysInSweatpants exclusive Greyson Lane and former 8teenBoy/Helix exclusive Julian Bell are making their NextDoorStudios debuts together today, and while they’re both good performers who’ve been in plenty of good scenes before, there doesn’t seem to be much chemistry between the two stars in this duo (or, maybe it’s just poor direction?), and fans might want to skip this scene.

julian bell greyson lanejulian bell greyson laneNote that this scene is being presented as a “NextDoorTwink” scene, so I guess NextDoor is trying to revitalize that brand? I don’t see how they’ll be able to compete with 8teenBoy, but maybe this is a one-off NextDoorTwink scene, just for fun. Although, as you’ll see in the trailer below, this scene is not very fun, and it feels like none of the people involved—the stars, the director, the crew (if there even was a crew?)—wanted to be there.

julian bell greyson laneHere’s hoping we see Greyson and Julian in some good gay porn again soon. Trailer (watch full scene here):

[NextDoorTwink Julian Bell Fucks Greyson Lane Bareback]

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