Disgraced Porn Actor Killian James Hurls N-Word At Black Escort In Racist Emails
By now, everyone knows that failed porn actor Killian James’ social media presence is a sad series of nonsensical insults and deranged bragging that barely registers as English 90% of the time. While he’s managed to alienate himself from everyone in the gay porn industry (except for maybe Billy Santoro, which says a lot), he at least hadn’t proven himself to be a racist. Until now.
Killian James has allegedly been attempting to sabotage the career of an African-American escort who, apparently, hooks in proximity to James in New York City. That escort, JD Daniels, has shared several threatening and racist emails—sent by Killian James—on escort message board BoyToy.com. In one email sent at 4 a.m., Killian James calls the African-American escort the n-word multiple times, and says that Daniels “deserves” to be called the n-word:
From: Killian James <killianjamesnyc@gmail.com>
To: Pornstar4utonite Today at 4:09 AMHi JD,
I’m on the phone with you right now. And I’m tormenting you, Cause your a liar and you deserve it. And yes, I think you act like a nigger. A nigger is a way of acting. I know more white ones than black ones. So yes, I have no hesitations with calling you a nigger. I even get a little joy out of insulting you. In my heart I believe you deserve this.
In another email, Killian James scoffs at being served with a restraining order—which JD Daniels has said he’s intending to file—and then issues another veiled threat.
From: Killian James <killianjamesnyc@gmail.com>
To: Pornstar4utonite Aug 30 at 11:53 PMJD,
Im fully prepared to speak with your lawyer tomorrow. I need the time hes calling (please be specific on time zone) so I can make sure I dont have a dick in my mouth. However, before he calls me, you have to make sure that: I can google his number and a law firm office will comes up. […]
So if I cant come within 1,000 feet of you, could someone else drop off that print out? You have like every single black escort hating you now. You have like 5+ people I have helped out this month alone hating you now. I cant control other people JD. Im only responsible for myself.
In the last year, Killian James has publicly made multiple physical and legal threats against other gay porn stars, directors, and bloggers, often repeating the same incoherent bluffs over and over again (many of which don’t appear to be based in any sort of reality) without ever following through, of course. Killian James’ use of the n-word to insult a black man could be seen as him finally hitting rock bottom, and it’s impossible to imagine any nightclub, escort client, or studio—even the bareback ones that pay $150 per scene—hiring someone so sick and so ugly, inside and out.