L.A. News Twink Awkwardly Tries To Offer Support For Tiffany Haddish After DUI Arrest

Posted November 24, 2023 by with 6 comments

Not a good day for TV news anchors! First there was the woman wearing a jean jacket adorned with a gigantic velvet bow while reporting on a rape case, and now we have a KTLA twink desperately searching for a teleprompter while trying to show support for actress Tiffany Haddish, who was arrested for DUI early this morning. Because Haddish has been on KTLA promoting her work in the past, the anchor (whose tie looks like crap! come on, this is supposed to be Hollywood!) apparently felt obligated to wish her well, even though she was arrested for a crime that could’ve left someone seriously injured or dead. At the end of his report, the deer-in-the-headlights cutie patootie stumbles through a series of words—”uhh, and uhh, we, uhh…hope she, uhh, figures it out”—and I just want to hold him to make it all better. As far as Haddish, she’s always been a rude and unhinged drunk, so this is not a surprise. This is her second DUI in as many years, so hopefully she’ll be sent to prison before she kills someone. Of course, she’s a celebrity in L.A., so she’ll probably only get probation. Via KTLA:

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