Separated At Birth: Chris Hemsworth And Malik Delgaty

Posted July 8, 2022 by with 38 comments

Totally twinsies, right?

Malik Delgaty is playing Thor in another episode of that MEN series about vikings or whatever, just as Chris Hemsworth plays Thor in those awful comic book movies (one of which was released recently to horrific reviews). So, in a rare event, the MEN parody is better than the mainstream movie?

I was going to say something unkind about Malik DelTaco’s Party City wig, but that isn’t even Party City, that’s like Goodwill circa 1997. In fact, I’m not even sure this is an actual wig? (Could be a dead animal or the end of a wet mop dipped in Cheeto dust?)

The least they could do was find him a long blond wig (hell, they could’ve taped a bunch of hay to his head and it would’ve looked more like Thor’s hair), but, to be fair, who has time for wigs when you have boring sex to film and women to humiliate?!

The thing that’s the most confusing is that the costumes and sets in this series are relatively great for gay porn, and yet…THIS IS THE BEST THEY COULD DO FOR THE WIG. The one physical characteristic most used to identify Thor (long blond hair), and they couldn’t pull it off? (Those pesky supply chain issues strike again, I guess.) can make enough fake cum out of a box of corn starch and an egg for every straight male stripper in Montreal, but they couldn’t find any blond hair? Make it make sense! Actually, don’t. Utter nonsense is what does best.

Trailer (watch full scene here):

[ Malik Delgaty Fucks Felix Fox Bareback]

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