Convicted Burglar Max London Makes Bottoming Debut

Posted August 12, 2016 by with 85 comments

Max LondonYou adored him as a Randy Blue model in 2010.

maxlondon_burglaryYou loved him as a convicted burglar in 2014.

719Now, enjoy Max London as the latest Str8Chaser model.

I prefer him at Randy Blue, tbh:

Max LondonMax & MicahAs a reminder, Max London (who’s now just going by “Max” on Str8Chaser) sucked several dicks and fucked multiple asses at Randy Blue during the studio’s prime, from 2010-2011.

Jackson Kale and Max London Fuck Jay StoneMax LondonSeriously, remember how good RandyBlue used to be?

Jackson Kale and Max London Fuck Jay StoneDespite the Str8Chaser gimmick, this isn’t Max’s first time with a cock in his mouth.


This is, however, his first time with a cock in his ass.


Before & After—Max London 2010 Vs. Max 2016:

max london 2

Hot as fuck then, and still hot as fuck now (if not a little well-worn).

48 47Trailer for Max London’s bottoming debut (watch full scene here):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
[Str8Chaser: Max]

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