WATCH: Johnny Rapid Does The One Thing He Hates MOST In His Scene With Paddy O’Brian

Posted August 19, 2016 by with 84 comments


No, not get fucked up the ass by a giant cock.


No, not slobber all over a big dick.

2The one thing Johnny Rapid hates doing more than anything else in his gay porn scenes? Kiss another man. And yet, kiss another man is exactly what Johnny Rapid had to do today in his scene with Paddy O’Brian:


Gay porn with men kissing? Mind = blown.

7This pairing of Paddy O’Brian and Johnny Rapid—’s two most popular performers, according to—has been five years in the making, since launched five years ago. So, they’ve titled the scene…wait for it…”Five Years In The Making.” Again, mind = blown.

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Side note: For those keeping score at home (and I am), Paddy O’Brian is the 109th man to fuck Johnny Rapid.

23Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Paddy O’Brian Fucks Johnny Rapid]

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