Scotty Zee Goes Bug Chasing In NextDoor’s “Pokemon Go” Gay Porn Parody

Posted August 17, 2016 by with 27 comments

unnamedI’m proud to have no idea what in the fuck Pokemon Go is, and I will continue to not know anything about it for as long as I live. Therefore, this Pokemon Go gay porn parody from NextDoorWorld, “Poke-U-Man Go,” means absolutely nothing to me. However, if you are someone who knows what Pokemon Go is, maybe this will be fun for you.

84066_02“Poke-U-Man Go” will be released here on Friday, and it stars Scotty Zee (above) and Lance Ford. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but the Poke-U-Man Go scene description is…problematic?

What does it take to catch them all? Scotty Zee has all it takes to become a master. Being the polite gentleman that he is, he asks a stranger to be let into his backyard to catch a rare bug. Next thing you know, these two masters have retired to the bedroom to play a different sort of game…

It’s worth noting that this scene does feature condoms and is not running on NextDoorRaw, but wow, who knew Pokemon Go was about bug chasing.

84066_11Trailer (watch full scene here):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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[NextDoorWorld: Poke-U-Man Go]


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