Pope Repeats Use Of Gay Slur “Faggotry” While Meeting With Roman Priests

Posted June 12, 2024 by with 5 comments

[image of Joel Birkin, who is not the Pope, via BelAmi]

Not a good time for faggots in the Catholic church! Via DailyMail:

The Pope has again used a homophobic term after apologising last month for saying gay men should not be admitted to church seminaries because ‘there’s already too much faggotry’ in closed-door meeting. According to Italian news agency ANSA, Pope Francis, 87, repeated the term on Tuesday as he met Roman priests, saying ‘there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican’.

Last month, the Pope met with Italian bishops and was quoted as saying, “Look: there is already an air of faggotry around that is not good. There is today’s culture of homosexuality with respect to those who have a homosexual orientation [who] are better off not being accepted [into the seminary].”

“Faggotness In The Vatican” absolutely has to be the title of the next BelAmi sequel to “Scandal In The Vatican.” Or, maybe it should be “Faggotry In The Vatican.” That makes it sounds more salacious and fun.

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