Psychotic Brazilian President Under Fire After Military Purchases Silicone Penile Implants For Troops

Posted April 13, 2022 by with 4 comments

What is the deal with Brazilians and their god damn implants? “We won’t allow Bolsonaro to turn Brazil into an orgy,” said one of his political rivals. Via Guardian:

Further questions have been raised about military spending on impotence treatments under Jair Bolsonaro after allegations Brazil’s defense ministry had approved the purchase of penile implants costing more than half a million pounds.

Those claims followed revelations on Monday that the armed forces had forked out for more than 35,000 Viagra pills in what one leading opposition politician called an erectile “outrage”.

The military insists its acquisitions are above board. The navy and air force claimed they used Viagra to treat pulmonary hypertension. The army alleged it had bought only three silicone penile implants, rather than the 60 reported by the Brazilian media, and had spent far less than the 3.5m reais (£560,900) originally claimed. “The army healthcare system is assigned with treating male patients for various types of ailments that might require surgery for the implantation of such prostheses,” it said in a statement noting that it catered to about 700,000 patients.

Bolsonaro defended the military on Wednesday telling reporters: “The armed forces buy Viagra to fight arterial hypertension as well as some rheumatic diseases”. “With all due respect, it’s nothing,” the president said of the quantity of the erectile dysfunction drug being purchased.

[Guardian: Bolsonaro faces hard scrutiny over military’s purchase of penile implants]

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