Quittin’ Time For Pudding Fingers: DeSantis Drops Out Of Presidential Race

Posted January 21, 2024 by with 4 comments

As you’ll see in the clip below, he’s talking fast and flashing more of that slimy smile than usual, so it’s clear he wanted to get the humiliating dropout speech over and done with. He can’t handle the shame of losing over and over again, which is why he’s quitting ahead of New Hampshire’s Tuesday primary. It would be too embarrassing for him to come in third place, and then have to bow out in defeat. It’s like the doomed worker who resigns before being terminated. You can’t fire me, I quit! Ron DeSantis’s dropout speech from earlier today:

So now, Mr. DeSanctimonious Pudding Fingers endorses the orange cult leader who’s been insulting him for the last year. It’s pathetic, and yet so predictable. He tried so hard to be Trump 2.0, but there can of course only be one dementia-ridden octogenarian KKK pig leading the Republican party to its grave, with less than 7% of actual Republican voters bothering to show up at the polls for him. No one cares about Trump, but even fewer people cared about DeSantis. Now, he can take his brand of greasy bigotry back to the brain dead freaks of Florida, where they can rot in their swampy hell together, forever.

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