Steve Cruz Blames Bloggers For Negative Coverage Of Ryan Rose’s 2013 Assault On Ex-Boyfriend

Posted November 2, 2015 by with 79 comments



In 2013, Ryan Rose was arrested for assaulting his then-boyfriend Bobby Hart at an adult industry event called “The Phoenix Forum.” Photos of a beaten and bloodied Hart were published online, and Hart took to Twitter to let everyone know what had happened to him. But the way Falcon director Steve Cruz frames it in the Q&A below, it was Ryan Rose who was “hit with a scandal” and “barraged by negativity”—as if the entire event was something “personal” that just sort of “happened” to Ryan Rose in private. Poor Ryan! (For his part, Ryan Rose answers Cruz’s question fine by pointing out that he was in fact the guilty party, and he’s since apologized repeatedly for the horrific incident.)

I’m transcribing Steve Cruz’s “question” verbatim, just so it’s clear how absolutely ridiculous he sounds:

Early on in your career…you kinda got hit with a public scandal. Like, you had some personal issues that got made public, and it hit the blogs. And, you kind of got barraged by negativity. Like, how did you deal with that? Like, how did that feel? How did you get through it?

Here’s the segment:

Ryan Rose was arrested for a violent assault that took place at a public event, and he has since owned up to that assault, leaving no doubt that he was obviously 100% responsible. But instead of taking this opportunity to have an honest discussion about domestic violence (or at the very least, an honest discussion about how Ryan Rose has learned from his mistakes), Steve Cruz wants to talk about how a “humble” Ryan Rose deals with “haters” and “negative” blogs that reported on the assault. This is the backwards, batshit insane world in which Steve Cruz lives.

Here’s the full interview, in which Ryan Rose cites Justin Bieber as an inspiration, reveals that fans have bought him a car and a Rolex off his Amazon Wish List, and admits to loving cum showers (who doesn’t?):

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