From Sean Cody To Superstardom: The Colt Rivers Interview

Posted April 4, 2014 by with 23 comments

colt rivers gay porn starIn July 2011, Sean Cody introduced newcomer Ryan, an openly gay power bottom who, unbeknownst to his fans at the time, had already had a successful and diverse career as a music video director for the Backstreet Boys. After Sean Cody, Ryan became the gay porn star we now know as Colt Rivers, and with a string of high profile scenes out now or soon to be released, he’s one of the most in-demand performers working today.

In his first Str8UpGayPorn interview, Colt Rivers reveals behind-the-scenes Sean Cody secrets, what it’s really like being a power bottom, his passion for directing, and what he plans to conquer next.

tumblr_mv7hofgk7a1qef808o1_500Str8UpGayPorn: People are getting to know you as Colt Rivers now, but many remember you as Sean Cody’s Ryan. Why’d you leave Sean Cody?
Colt Rivers: Yeah, I still get recognized all the time as Ryan, and no one has called out “Colt!” at the gym, yet. I left for a few reasons; first, so I could have some kind of schedule in advance instead of waiting on a phone call. Second, to travel more and meet gay people. Also, they kept making me shave!

Something like 9 out of 10 Sean Cody models are truly straight, so you must’ve been the token gay. Is it also true that Sean Cody models are only “allowed” to film a certain number of scenes before they have to retire from the studio?
No, not at all. My good buddy Jarek said something along those lines on a live show once, and I think people misunderstood what he meant.

Oh man, Jarek. I think I still watch your scene with him at least once a week. I’ve read that it’s among your favorites, too. What do you think it is about you two together, specifically, that worked so well?
Jarek and I just hit it off immediately in a way I haven’t experienced since. At the time, I was obviously in total lust for him—completely enamored by his physique and awesome, goofy personality. I enjoyed every minute of filming to the point where it literally didn’t feel like work, it felt like sex in a mansion with friends. I also was directing music videos at the time and wanted to make him my model/muse. I still plan on doing this actually, since he wants to act and model professionally. We also smoke blunts together.

04Jarek was one of the first to fuck you bareback, and I’ve talked to some performers who say filming bareback scenes is easier because it feels better, and thus they can cum a lot sooner. Was that your experience?
I started at Sean Cody when they were still using condoms, and the only real difference was it took an extra 30 seconds before each take to slide the rubber on. I guess it was easier in that sense, and sex without a condom feels slightly better, but that can also make it more difficult for those sensitive performers who cum easily.

OK, so having worked in both bareback and now condom scenes, which do you prefer, and why?
That’s a trick question, because if there was no risk, everyone would prefer bareback. I felt very safe within that specific environment, but because the risk of HIV and other STD’s is so real, I’m happy to wear condoms all the time now.

ryan sean cody barebackHow does the testing process work at Sean Cody? Do you go with a staff member to a clinic? Who tells you your results, and who else gets to see them?
I’ll just say that their procedures go above and beyond anything I have ever experienced. It’s more thorough than anything you would receive regularly, and everyone sees everyone’s results.

What do you think it is about you that makes you such a good performer? Were you always naturally “good” at having sex off camera?
The funny truth is I hadn’t had much sex off camera at all before I started shooting porn. I masturbated…A LOT. I was a late bloomer. Money aside, I knew that doing porn would force me out of my awkward comfort zone and into a sexier version of myself. I knew it would instill some confidence in me. And I think it worked…sort of?
02Did you always plan on becoming a “porn star,” or did you not know what would happen after Sean Cody?
I only planned on doing a couple videos, but I kept getting calls and really came to love the experience and overall effect it’s had on my life. I can already hear the haters screaming, “Just wait five years when you’re washed up!” But I’m not worried though. I want to be an abstract artist, not a politician.

I know one of your first jobs was directing a Backstreet Boys video when you were 19. Do you want to direct more music videos, film, television, or maybe even porn?
Yes, all of the above, in a bizarre and contemporary Andy Warhol’s ghost haunting David LaChapelle’s taint kind of way. You know, smoking a bong with David Lynch in David Fincher’s living room. I’m already working on projects with the likes of Jarek and some other sex icons, so it should be great stuff.
tommy-defendi-colt-rivers-gay-pornAll your work is some of the best, most intense bottoming I have ever seen, including your recent duo with Tommy Defendi. Do you worry about being typecast as a power bottom?
Absolutely. To the amusement of many I’m sure, I actually prefer to top in my private life, which actually might contribute to my power bottoming skills. I know what I like in a bottom and try to deliver that. If a top isn’t delivering, I can help compensate or make suggestions.
You sound like you’re OK with being a bottom.
I know what my assets are visually, and my ass is definitely the conversation in the room before my cock, although I do get compliments for that as well. I love that studios are asking me to top and flip-fuck more, but I won’t ever deny that I absolutely love bottoming for the right guy.

As a director yourself, do you ever suggest ideas or technical things to your scene directors? Or, have you ever been thinking while filming a scene that you would direct it differently/better?
Yes, and I have to bite my tongue! But, I also understand I’m there to perform, and that’s it. I turn off the intellectual parts of my brain and become an animal. It becomes difficult to maintain a strong sexual energy if you’re also worrying about the lights. Also, after working at studios like Falcon, Hot House, and Men, I have been impressed with their setups. There’s more real talent behind the scenes than I ever imagined.

colt rivers gay pornDid you watch gay porn growing up? What got you off?
I watched a lot of straight porn growing up. The minute I got dial-up internet I was downloading videos with my friends. Hardcore group stuff, mostly. Straight people can get crazy! Once I admitted to myself that I was gay when I was about 20, I started watching everything you blog about, basically. I watched a lot of guys who I’m working with today. It’s a trip.

10I remember you were genuinely star struck when you did your scene with Jess, because you had seen him on the site years before. But did you know how popular you were when you were working with Sean Cody?
I was popular!? I notice I get a lot more attention now, but I think that comes from the progress I’ve made with my body, and also the confidence and wisdom I’ve gained with maturity.

What kind of guys do you like? Do you have a type?
I’m attracted to all kinds of guys. That’s what is so exciting to me about being gay, the spectrum of “types” is so vast and the subcultures so rich, I’ll never get bored. I love skinny twinks that make me feel super powerful and worship my muscles, and I love big guys who want to put me in my place. I love all races and appreciate the differences that come with each generation. I think being gay is about sharing ourselves and our ideas and our experiences. Only having one type to me is like eating the same ice cream all the time.

Finally, where can we look forward to seeing you in the coming months?
For starters, follow me on Twitter! I’m represented by Fabscout and have a lot of new releases on the way, so look for me on Falcon, Raging Stallion, Men, Hot House, Kink, and more!

Thanks, Colt!

[Sean Cody: Ryan’s Complete Filmography]


Ryan’s final Sean Cody scene, “David Fucks Ryan,” released last December:

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[Sean Cody: David Fucks Ryan]

Str8UpGayPorn’s #1 Most Mastrubated-To Scene Of 2013, Brooks Fucks Ryan:

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[Sean Cody: Brooks Fucks Ryan]


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