The 10 Best Sean Cody Soloists Who Fell Off The Face Of The Earth

Posted July 8, 2014 by with 21 comments

06Today, Sean Cody introduced a tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed, surf jock with an extra large cock. His name is Dominic, and he’s arguably the best Sean Cody solo artist of 2014. Too bad he’ll probably never be back for a Sean Cody bareback duo scene.


Sean Cody’s Dominic delivers one of the best jerk off sessions I’ve seen in a long time (the hands-free cum shot at the end is crazy), but it’s always been hard to get these straight guys to come back for more.


[Sean Cody: Dominic]

If Dominic does come back, it’ll probably be within the next couple weeks (I can’t see Sean Cody making us wait too long for someone as hot as this). If he’s not back by the end of the month, it’s safe to assume he’s gone forever.

Of course, Dominic wouldn’t be the first insanely hot, masturbating straight guy to appear in just one solo scene for Sean Cody and never be heard from again. And with that in mind, here are the 10 best Sean Cody soloists who dumped their loads off at the infamous San Diego studio and then, tragically, fell off the face of the earth.


10. Jayson
First and only appearance: March 6th, 2014
Watch Jayson’s full solo scene.

sean cody seth9. Seth
First and only appearance: December 23rd, 2004
Watch Seth’s full solo scene.

sean cody jayden8. Jayden
First and only appearance: February 17th, 2012
Watch Jayden’s full solo scene.

tumblr_m9c89sfDtP1qjzwvbo1_500 tumblr_n65iqigqBF1sznk6ro1_5007. Sheldon
First and only appearance: August 23rd, 2012
Watch Sheldon’s full solo scene.

sean cody clay6. Clay
First and only appearance: October 15th, 2004
Watch Clay’s full solo scene.

sean cody jacob


5. Jacob
First and only appearance: August 24th, 2009
Watch Jacob’s full solo scene.

sean cody keefe4. Keefe
First and only appearance: May 16th, 2006
Watch Keefe’s full solo scene.

kennan033. Kennan
First and only appearance: July 7th, 2011
Watch Kennan’s full solo scene.

judd5-e1329856490846 sen cody judd 12. Judd
First and only appearance: December 19th, 2006
Watch Judd’s full solo scene.

sean cody gregory


1. Gregory
First and only appearance: April 9th, 2012
Watch Gregory’s full solo scene.


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