True Or False: Sean Cody’s Sumner Has A 9-Inch Cock
Welcome back to True Or False, where we ask you to judge whether something about a gay porn scene and/or the performer in that scene is true or false. Today’s True Or False is in response to the claim made by new Sean Cody soloist Sumner. In his video, Sumner abruptly tells the cameraman, “I have a 9-inch cock.” Is this true or false?
What’s interesting about Sumner and his alleged 9-inch cock is that the interviewer didn’t even ask Sumner about his cock, and his statement came seemingly out of nowhere, almost in a tourette’s-like manner. When the interviewer responds skeptically (“do you?”), Sumner seems to walk it back a bit and clarifies, “Yeah, it’s like 8, 9 inches.” Here’s the exchange:
Well, which is it, 8 or 9? It might not seem like much, but one single inch can make a huge difference when it comes to cocks. Here are more photos of Sumner with his “8 or 9-inch cock.” True Or False?
For the sake of comparison and reference, here below is Sean Cody’s Brooks, who was labeled as having an 8-inch cock on Sean Cody’s site. This would make Brooks one inch smaller than Sumner.
And here’s Sumner with his 9-inch cock:
Another flashback below, with Noel (who had 8.5 inches, per Sean Cody) vs. Sumner (9 inches). This would make Noel 1/2 an inch smaller than Sumner.
[List Of Sean Cody’s Biggest Cocks: 7.5 Inches To 10 Inches]
Thoughts on the validity of Sumner’s cock claims?
Trailer (watch full scene here):