Are The Scenes At Sketchy Sex Getting Less Sketchy?

Posted March 9, 2018 by with 4 comments

ss048aa_17Maybe it’s because the dicks are bigger, maybe it’s because the giant cum shots aren’t looking as fake, maybe it’s because there are actual gay porn stars in the house (e.g., Jordan Boss), or maybe it’s because the models are looking at the camera in higher quality photos? Whatever is going on, Sketchy Sex has been getting less sketchy over the last couple months (they actually had men kissing each other—on the mouth—last month), and that could be good news or bad news, depending on how raunchy you like your gay porn.

Regardless, their latest update—”Cum Dripping Hole“—is quite good for a Sketchy Sex scene, and all of the above mentioned items are here: Bigger dicks, well-known gay porn stars, good (again, for Sketchy Sex) photos, and tons of cum dripping out of mouths and holes. A lot of the cum is probably fake, but it still looks appetizing, even if it is Cetaphil.

ss048aa_7 ss048aa_14Trailer (watch full scene here):

[Sketchy Sex: Cum Dripping Holes]

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