Staffer Who Was Paid Thousands By Madison Cawthorn Seen Putting Hand On Cawthorn’s Cock: “I Would Like To See A Naked Body Beneath My Hands”

Posted April 28, 2022 by with 15 comments

We’re watching the makings of a Madison Cawthorn gay porn parody in real time here, first with those drag photos, and now with this cock-groping video.

In a newly leaked video (again, the GOP is out to get Cawthorn after he accused them of hosting drug-fueled orgies, so all of this “damaging” Cawthorn intel is clearly a coordinated effort), Cawthorn and his similarly hunky male staffer, Stephen Smith, are seen sitting in a car doing some kind of role play (there’s no context, but it feels like Cawthorn is impersonating someone based on the accent he’s using), and Cawthorn says, “I feel the passion and desire, and would like to see a naked body beneath my hands.” Then, the camera cuts back to the staffer, who says, “Me too! I’d like to see that as well.”


The staffer can then be seen reaching his hand over and gently placing his hand onto Cawthorn’s cock. Cawthorn can be heard laughing as his male staffer touches his penis:

The video is one of several exhibits filed in support of an ethics complaint against Cawthorn, which was drafted by a political group called “Fire Madison Cawthorn” (subtle). According to tabloid DailyMail (of course), the complaint accuses Cawthorn of paying staffer Smith “thousands of dollars, free housing, and loans” that weren’t declared or repaid:

Among the many allegations is the claim that representative for North Carolina’s 11th district provided thousands of dollars in loans and gifts to Smith, a staff member, with whom, the complaint states, he is engaged in an improper relationship characterized by steamy postings on social media. According to the filing Cawthorn has provided free housing, travel and loans to Smith, none of which have been declared or repaid.

The complaint also requests an investigation into the nature of Cawthorn’s relationship with Smith stating that the junior member of staff lives with Cawthorn.

A campaign payment to Smith submitted in Cawthorn’s FEC filing and attached to the complaint gives Cawthorn’s Hendersonville North Carolina house as Smith’s home address and has separately verified that Smith is indeed registered as living there.

In addition to this living arrangement the filing claims that, ‘various social media postings by them indicate a personal relationship between them, separate and apart from the professional relationship of employer and employee.’ In fact, according to the ethics complaint, Smith’s relationship with Cawthorn is so close that the younger man joined Cawthorn on his honeymoon to Dubai in April 2021.

And move over FamilyDick, because Cawthorn’s spokesman says that Cawthorn and Smith are cousins:

Approached for comment, Cawthorn’s spokesman Luke Ball said he could not give any response until he had seen the video. He said Smith and Cawthorn are cousins.

A picture included in the exhibits filed in support of the call for an ethics investigation appears to show Cawthorn and Smith, poolside. Cawthorn lounges covered with only a towel, his arm draped over Smith who rests his head on his boss’s shoulder and places his hand on Cawthorn’s hip.

And in yet another leak, Venmo receipts between the alleged cousins show payments made for things like “quickie at the airport,” “getting naked for me,” and “nudes”:

It was right to call out his hypocrisy with the drunken lingerie photos, but, and I hate to say it, the more leaks like this, the more it appears that Cawthorn—horrid political positions aside—is just a typical young American male, and in this case, he’s having fun with a cousin. You have to love that his GOP rivals are stupid enough to think that these leaks are going to make him look bad to the average voter. May all these ghouls continue to eat each other alive.

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