Surprise: The Coach In Helix’s Gay Porn Wrestling Movie Is A “Faith-Based” Actor Who Makes Christian Movies And Stans Donald Trump

Posted February 27, 2021 by with 44 comments

The fifth episode of Helix Academy Wrestling is out now, and while most of the scene stars Josh Brady and Jordan Lake, it also features that hunky wrestling coach who’s had brief appearances in previous episodes.


Helix’s scene credits show the actor’s name is Mark Justice, and a quick Google search reveals that he once modeled underwear for a company called, appropriately enough, “Underwear For Men”:

In addition to modeling underwear while drinking wine and eating cereal, Mark Justice is also a producer, director, and actor in so-called “faith-based” films, and last year, he invited former president Donald Trump (along with his son) to an event promoting one of those movies, The Wager. Justice told the now twice-impeached Trump that it would be “an honor” to have him and his coked-out clown of a son there:

Before The Wager was made, Justice reached out to MAGA lunatic Kristy Swanson to see if she’d like to be in his movie:

And prior to inviting him and his dad to the autograph event, Justice shared a video with Junior that mocked then-candidate Joe Biden:

Just what we need, another Trump supporter in gay porn. Luckily, “Coach” Justice only has a non-sexual role in Helix Academy Wrestling.

Oh, and of course, he also appears to be an anti-vaxxer:

From stanning Trump on Twitter to wrestling with sweaty twinks in Vegas. All in a day’s work for this faith-based gay porn actor.


After the wrestling, the team chills back at the house, and we learn a lot about Jordan Lake’s character in this episode (he comes out as gay to Josh Brady), which is actually very moving. Here’s more of Josh and Jordan:

Trailer (watch full scene here):

[Helix: Josh Brady Fucks Jordan Lake Bareback]

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