Texas Attorney General Says He’ll Support Ban On Sodomy When Supreme Court Overturns Lawrence V. Texas

Posted June 28, 2022 by with 9 comments

And make no mistake, it’s only a question of when Lawrence is overturned, not if.

Via Texas Chronicle:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas questioned a number of the high court’s past rulings, including Obergefell v. Hodges, which established the right of same-sex couples to marry, and Lawrence vs. Texas—a 2003 decision in which the court ruled against the state of Texas regarding a 1973 law criminalizing the act of sodomy.

During a Friday appearance on News Nation’s “On Balance with Leland Vittert,” Paxton said he would support the Supreme Court revisiting the cases mentioned by Thomas and defend Texas’ long-unenforced law against sodomy.

“I’m sure you read Justice Thomas’s concurrence where he said there were a number of other of these issues, Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell he felt needs to be looked at again,” Vittert told Paxton. “Obviously the Lawrence case came from Texas… would you as attorney general be comfortable defending a law that once again outlawed sodomy? That questioned Lawrence again or Griswold or gay marriage? That came from the state legislature to put to the test what Justice Thomas said?”

“Yeah, I mean there’s all kinds of issues here, but certainly the Supreme Court has stepped into issues that I don’t think there’s any constitutional provision dealing with,” Paxton responded. “They were legislative issues and this is one of those issues and there may be more. So it would depend on the issue and dependent on what state law had said at the time.”

Vittert pressed on, asking, “For the sake of time here, you wouldn’t rule out that if the state legislature passed the same law that Lawrence overturned on sodomy, you wouldn’t have any problem then defending that and taking that case back to the Supreme Court?”

Paxton responded: “Yeah, look my job is to defend state law and I’ll continue to do that. That is my job under the Constitution and I’m certainly willing and able to do that.”

Most of us aren’t able to leave the United States for a variety of reasons (jobs, families, finances), but those with the means to do so should start making plans ASAP. Canada would be the easiest, but Mexico (despite the rise in horrific violence from drug lords) would be better than the United States, too. I sound like a broken record when I bring up leaving the U.S. (I first said it on the night Trump was elected in 2016), but unless you’re a straight white Christian male who belongs to the MAGA GOP, your life in this country is literally in danger. Get out now, or start preparing for the darkest days in the history of this country, which will kick into high gear after the midterm elections this November when the Republicans take complete control of congress.

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