Today In Fake Cum At Clark Delgaty Squirts Lotion Onto Presley Scott’s Face

Posted August 14, 2023 by with 17 comments

If it’s a Canadian scene from, you can all but guarantee it’ll feature fake cum. Today’s worthless duo is no exception, with bottom Presley Scott—who consistently stars in the worst gay porn scenes of 2023—getting lotion squirted on his face by useless gay-for-pay top Clark Delgaty.

prescrAnyone paying even a little bit of attention knows that cum doesn’t look like that, and that’s not an ejaculation of actual semen.

After injecting the lotion/corn starch mixture into the fake cummer’s penis/foreskin, the studio has to make sure they’re ready to turn the camera on and begin filming. Editing the footage in post production is of course key, too. All to accommodate an impotent gay-for-pay top.

If you’re wondering what this whole process looks like, I found a clip that shows how it’s done:

I assume whatever the substance is that’s being injected isn’t toxic or harmful if it gets pushed too far up someone’s urethra.

If anyone cares, the preview for the Men scene:

You can now add Clark Delgaty to the list of performers who will never be covered on Str8Up again, unless he decides to shoot real cum. Trailer (watch full scene here):

[ Clark Delgaty Fucks Presley Scott Bareback]

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