Watch Tom Faulk Take Massive Bong Rips During A Gay Bareback Orgy

Posted August 7, 2015 by with 23 comments


Try not to be too surprised, but Tom Faulk can be seen taking huge bong rips during FraternityX’s gay bareback orgy released today.

FX109B_1Tupac would approve, no doubt.

FX109B_2 FX109B_3Eventually, Tom passes the bong to his frienemy Donny Forza, who takes his own toke. It seems like they might be fighting over the bong for a second (Donny seems like such a dick, tbh), and it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to smoke with Donny, much less have sex with him.

FX109B-ScreenGrab-03 FX109B-ScreenGrab-09Don’t worry, they get to the bareback gangbang soon enough.

FX109B_5 FX109B_10 FX109B_13Something happens with a beer can that I don’t really understand, and then everybody creampies the bottom (Tyler Sky).

FX109B-ScreenGrab-38 FX109B-ScreenGrab-40Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[FraternityX: Tom Faulk, Donny Forza, And Tyler Sky’s Bareback Orgy]


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