Trump Fails To Gain Momentum In Polls Despite Being Shot By 20-Year-Old Dietary Aide

Posted July 16, 2024 by with 7 comments

Hahaha. Via Newsweek:

The poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point with 46 percent, compared to the president’s 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points. The findings also reveal that Trump’s lead has narrowed slightly since the firm’s previous survey, conducted between July 12 and 14, which put Trump two percentage points ahead with 44 percent to Biden’s 42 percent.

The Morning Consult poll isn’t the only poll showing the race virtually unchanged since Trump’s cheesy action movie photo-op (which endangered the lives of all the Secret Service agents around him, who failed to do their jobs by immediately yanking him off the stage). A Reuters poll conducted after the shooting showed the same stagnation:

The two-day poll found Republican presidential candidate Trump opening a marginal lead among registered voters – 43% to 41% – over Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden, an advantage that was within the poll’s 3 percentage point margin of error, suggesting the attempt on Trump’s life had not sparked a major shift in voter sentiment.

I’m a bit surprised by these numbers, as I thought there might be a 9/11-style mass delusion that would’ve inspired everyone to rally around the orange pig after the 20-year-old dietary aide nicked his ear. But, the reality is what it’s always been: No one gives a shit about Trump. Just remember how bad turnout was for him during the primaries. The desperate-for-drama (and in turn, ratings and web traffic) media want everyone to get caught up in the horse race and the hero worship and the melodrama, but other than the cult members, no one cares. And whether they admit it or not, most people probably would’ve been unbothered if Trump had been killed on Saturday. The new polls obviously reflect this.

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