William Seed Butt Fucks Steve Rickz In Front Of His Mom And Grandma During Thanksgiving Dinner

Posted November 27, 2019 by with 47 comments

In what is now I guess an annual tradition(?), Men.com has a released a Thanksgiving-themed gay porn scene where men are having gay anal sex at the dinner table, right in front of their entire family. Last year, a gay porn star fucked a turkey in front of his family, and today, William Seed is fucking Steve Rickz in front of his mother and grandmother.

There are several confusing things I could point out here (why does Steve Rickz, who’s American, have a Canadian family? why are they celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada? why are they using plastic Solo cups for a nice family dinner? is Men sharing props with FraternityX?), but instead, I’ll present you with this clip featuring the most confusing aspect of this scene: How the fuck can the mom and grandma not see that William Seed is literally fucking Steve Rickz’s ass right in front of them?????

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Apparently, the mom thinks that Steve is just sitting on William’s lap? While naked?

stevew3Also, I guess the grandma is either blind and/or has dementia, so she’s not aware of what’s going on?

stevew1Or, maybe she is aware, but she’s mentally disabled and unable to express how horrified she is at the sight of her grandson Steve being fucked up the ass? It should be noted that William is playing a foreign exchange student and is not related to Steve’s character. So, this scene is kind of like FamilyDick, only with elder abuse instead of incest.

stevew4stevew2Once the mom and grandma leave, the fucking gets better and more intense, so if you’re looking for holiday porn, this could do the trick?

And, because it’s Men.com, the women of course walk in and catch them at the end of the scene, after both Steve and William have busted their nuts.

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Men.com: William Seed Fucks Steve Rickz]

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