Year In Review: Gay Porn’s 30 Best Butts Of 2017

Posted December 29, 2017 by with 74 comments

bestbuttContinuing Str8UpGayPorn’s annual Year In Review series, today’s list features something that everyone can get behind: Butts!

All of the butts on this list either did a phenomenal job taking big cocks, had heavenly holes, looked the best while twerking, had the best overall shape, or made the biggest impact on gay porn in 2017. In short: Big butts, tight butts, muscular butts, bubble butts, firm butts, soft butts, iconic butts, and the best fucked butts make up the list of Gay Porn’s 30 Best Butts Of 2017, and here they all are in no particular order.

(Click any gay porn star name or gay porn star butt for that performer’s filmography.)

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Dante Martin

julian2Julian Rodriguez

7Christian Bay

logol2Logan Cross

14Sean Cody’s Landon

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
Blake Mitchell

dg1a6392Levi Karter

The-Business-Of-Barebacking-Pt-3-Reed-Jameson-Jeremy-Spreadums-Bromo01Jeremy Spreadums

91864_004Sean Zevran

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
Tyler Hill

6H2A1517Sean Cody’s Deacon

90099_002Sean Duran

aradliam1Liam Riley

87180_003Micah Brandt

skyySkyy Knox

0004Diego Sans

DR691zJV4AA3-DlJudas King

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
Corbin Colby

1997_chaosmen_bennett_solo_hires_059-1024x683ChaosMen’s Bennett

taylormidair1Taylor Reign

d728dfd4e54755b0513fa9b4cab54f2bDerek Bolt

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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Mickey Knox

_3Casey Jacks

83003_05-1024x683Bruno Bernal

gayhoopla-collin-simpson-sean-costin-04Collin Simpson and Sean Costin

kb2Brent Corrigan

beauxBeaux Banks

ryanRyan Rose

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Vincent O’Reilly


This list was limited to 30 butts, which unfortunately means that not every butt in gay porn could be included. If one of your favorites was not on the list, please share a photo of his butt in the comments below!

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