Sean Cody’s Robert Convicted Of Assaulting A Police Officer While Naked And On Cocaine At A Cracker Barrel

Posted March 6, 2017 by with 60 comments

10Today in gay-for-pay Sean Cody models being arrested, Str8UpGayPorn can exclusively report that gay-for-pay Sean Cody model Robert has been arrested outside of a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee. While Robert’s crimes (and subsequent conviction) aren’t as exciting as some committed by other Sean Cody models (extortion, murder, murder again), his arrest does come with a fun twist: Robert was naked when he was arrested.

11Nashville police were called on January 23rd, 2017 when Robert began violently screaming outside of a Cracker Barrel restaurant, and upon their arrival, the Sean Cody model was lying naked from the waist down in the parking lot. While being arrested for indecent exposure and disorderly conduct, Robert kicked one police officer and attempted to head-butt another. Then, when officers eventually found his pants, a bag of cocaine fell out of one of the pockets. Mug shot:

12986803_GRobert’s (a.k.a. James Seat) bizarre arrest while naked made headlines in Nashville:

Police say they found Seat in front of the restaurant, screaming and naked from the waist down. When asked where his pants were, he allegedly yelled at officers. He was also reportedly running around and hitting items in the parking lot. Officers placed him into custody and Seat allegedly began kicking and trying to head-butt officers. Seat’s pants were located and put back on him by police, which is when a scuffle ensued. He reportedly kicked at least one officer in the leg. During the scuffle with officers, a small bag of cocaine fell out of the suspect’s pocket, according to an arrest affidavit. Seat was booked into the Metro jail and charged with assault of an officer, possession of a controlled substance and indecent exposure.

On January 31st, Robert was convicted of assaulting the officer, cocaine possession, and public indecency. While he was sentenced to nearly one year in prison, the incarceration time was suspended to just 30 days, and he’s reported to have been released last week.

probRobert, who in 2009 served time in prison for felony aggravated robbery with a weapon, is now on probation until next year. His last hardcore Sean Cody scene was with Manny and was released in January, around the exact same time he was arrested while naked in public. Coincidentally, in Robert’s solo intro video, he declares that sex should occur in public, explaining, “I don’t know why we hide it. It’s like, we should be doing it out here in the streets instead of behind closed doors. I wanna get super freaky out here.”

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Robert’s first duo scene was with Curtis:

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[Sean Cody: Robert Fucks Curtis Bareback]

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