WATCH: Killian James Has Incoherent, Meth-Fueled Meltdown During Suicide Prevention Charity Event

Posted September 13, 2016 by with 107 comments

csgsoc5weae30kcLast weekend, YouTube personality Jonny McGovern (“Hey Qween”) co-hosted a charity event for the It Gets Better Project in Philadelphia, which featured appearances by porn stars Seth Santoro and Billy Santoro, newcomer Ian Greene, and others, as seen above. During a break backstage, McGovern took to Facebook to live stream a bizarre and incoherent rant from former bareback porn actor and disgraced racist Killian James.


This video features multiple racial slurs, illicit drug use (Killian James is said to be high on meth throughout the video, and as McGovern points out, had been smoking meth prior to the live stream), and nonsensical insults against gay porn stars Ryan Rose, Sebastian Kross, Mickey Taylor, and Bray Love, as well as director mr. Pam, porn conglomerate AEBN, and even a sex toy company.


Killian James, who last week admitted to using the n-word in a separate but equally offensive tirade, appears extremely imbalanced and in the midst of some kind of psychotic episode throughout the clip. And his physical appearance is as unsettling as his mental state, as seen in screenshots below.

kj11 kj33 kj22According to Killian James, unflattering blog coverage of his deranged behavior, use of racial slurs, and his deteriorating physical appearance drives traffic to his escorting profile, which in turn increases his popularity among clients and gay porn studios. While James hasn’t appeared in a single high profile gay porn scene in months and is apparently dependent upon “$800 club appearances” in order to make ends meet, he does claim in the video below that he’s been hired to work for Treasure Island Media.

kj44While McGovern has since deleted the Facebook live stream, Str8UpGayPorn was able to preserve a copy, which you can view below. It’s a long and disturbing 14 minutes, but Seth Santoro sums things up aptly towards the end of the clip: “Don’t do drugs, people.”

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