The Winner: Str8UpGayPorn’s Best Gay Porn Star Of 2015 Is…

Posted January 14, 2016 by with 99 comments

best of 2015

After two months of anticipation, 10 nominees, eight days of voting, and nearly 19,000 votes cast, Str8UpGayPorn is proud to announce the winner of the Str8ie Award for 2015’s Best Gay Porn Star! This extremely deserving gay porn star succeeds last year’s winner, Colby Keller, as the gay porn industry’s finest man and its overall best performer, based on fan votes. Of course, all ten nominees represented the best of the best from 2015, but there can only be one winner, so let’s get to the results.


Coming in 4th place was CockyBoys superstar Tayte Hanson, with just over 9% of the total vote:

1635-set tayte

Coming in 3rd place was big-dicked Helix Studios newcomer Blake Mitchell, with nearly 18% of the total vote:

blakemain1 blake

Edging out Blake Mitchell and coming in 2nd place was versatile hunk XL, with 18% of the total vote:


And finally, with 4,174 votes and over 22% of the total votes cast, the first place winner and Best Gay Porn Star Of 2015 is…




It was a stellar 2015 for Diego Sans, who turned in several great gay porn performances at, where he’s currently an exclusive. And his win shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, given that he already conquered one round of fan voting late last year in’s “Next Exclusive” contest. His fans turned out for him then, and they came back in even greater numbers now, officially making Diego Sans 2015’s Best Gay Porn Star. Diego will reign supreme as Str8UpGayPorn’s Best Gay Porn Star all year long, and you can look forward to enjoying him in new scenes being released throughout 2016.

Congratulations from Str8UpGayPorn and the thousands of fans who voted for you, Diego!

8 0008Diego’s next big role is in “Straight A Student,” which premieres next week on

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[ Diego Sans Fucks Jack Hunter]


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