Big Brother 18’s Naked Male Houseguests: 25 Gifs And Pics Of Victor Arroyo And Paulie Calafiore Nude

Posted June 27, 2016 by with 44 comments

victorpaulieThe 18th insufferable yet addictive season of Big Brother has just started, and while there has yet to be any full frontal nudity from any of the eight male houseguests, there has been plenty of shirtlessness, butt shots, cock bulges, and overall hotness.


The two most fuckable houeseguests this year are Victor Arroyo and Paulie Calafiore, who is the brother of season 16’s Cody.

tumblr_o9f6sj8zwp1qj7o4ao1_500Like his brother (and like a majority of people recruited to be on the show), Paulie is a male model who has posed partially nude and showed off what appears to be an ample-sized cock inside of some very tight underwear:


The back is even better:

tumblr_o93fglXVME1vp5knfo1_1280tumblr_o93fglXVME1vp5knfo8_1280Paulie and gaylebrity Ryan Carrillo did a naked jockstrap photo shoot, because why not:


But back to Victor, the hottest of this season’s houseguests:

tumblr_o97uz7kXAB1u84ikio4_400tumblr_o97vnjBZQf1uyb4yco1_400He’s potentially a womanizing, arrogant jerk IRL (update: after watching the full season, he’s actually a great guy), but this isn’t real life, it’s a reality show, and he has a nice ass:




He’s already streaked though the house during a game of Truth Or Dare, with some strategic and unfortunate censorship:

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Victor is a physical threat in the house, having won the first competition of the summer by wrapping his legs around a phallic object while white liquid was squirted all over him:

tumblr_o97vnjBZQf1uyb4yco6_r1_400Jon Snow who?

The six other male houseguests are clowns, bigots, and flops, so please don’t complain that none of them have been represented here. (If they go full frontal, however, this post will be updated.) This season, it’s all about Paulie and Victor.


Both Paulie and Victor are safe from eviction this week. But, Paulie’s connection to Cody and Victor’s alliance with this week’s likely evictee Jozea mean either of them could be gone next week. Until then, here’s Victor’s cock flopping up and down in a jump rope gif.


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