Corbin Fisher Releases New Scene With Gay-For-Pay Porn Star Kyle Dean, Who Is Currently In Jail

Posted March 9, 2017 by with 34 comments

dddHe was arrested on February 17th following drug and burglary-related charges in Florida (of course), and he’s still currently in a Manatee County jail, but that isn’t stopping Corbin Fisher from releasing another scene featuring Kyle Dean (a.k.a. Nash) today, which was obviously filmed prior to his incarceration.

003Str8UpGayPorn broke the news of Kyle Dean’s arrest on February 21st, so Corbin Fisher is smartly capitalizing on the gay-for-pay porn star’s notoriety. If only he wasn’t locked up and was able to help promote his scene with Ellis today. (Inmates can’t use Twitter in jail, even in Florida, so whoever has been tweeting from his account recently is not Kyle Dean.)

005Kyle Dean—who, just prior to being arrested, offered to suck his fans’ dicks in exchange for Amazon Wish List gifts—was arrested for contempt of court last month after he failed to comply with court orders following previous arrests for possession of Xanax and marijuana, and for burglarizing cars.


Kyle Dean remains in jail awaiting another hearing. Luckily, his fans can still enjoy him on Corbin Fisher today!

006Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Corbin Fisher: Nash Fucks Ellis]

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