True Or False: This FraternityX Cum Shot Is Real
Welcome to another installment of Str8UpGayPorn’s True Or False? This series asks you, the readers, to judge whether something is true or false about a gay porn scene and/or the performer(s) in it, and you can share your opinion in the poll and/or the comments below.
Today’s True Or False is all about one explosive cum shot, as seen today on gay-for-pay bareback orgy studio FraternityX. While FraternityX’s partner studio Sketchy Sex was famously caught using a plastic tube to pump out fake cum during one of their orgies three years ago, I’ve never witnessed a fake load on FratX—until now…maybe.
Here’s the gif (which has been slightly slowed down) of the full load, as allegedly ejaculated by infamous LGBTQ ginger Wade Hicks. The recipient is Casey, my personal favorite new frat boy:
Because this is filmed from the side (with a lot of the cock out of frame), you can’t actually see the cum shooting out of the penis. For all we know, someone (maybe Wade himself) is holding something alongside the cock that is spraying the liquid. As much as I want to believe this massive load is real, it just feels too explosive and too good to be true.
Also, what the fuck is this?
I can’t tell where the hell this is coming from or what the hell it is (it looks like mist? errant load? a plastic baggie that was holding the fake cum?), but it starts out small (as seen above), and then it gets bigger:
And then, it fades away, like a ghost. The ghost of someone’s fake load?
You can’t see the misty load/plastic baggie in the video because it comes in and out so fast, but here’s a super slowed down glimpse of it in a gif. First there’s a squirt of alleged cum, and then there’s the weird puff of smoke (puff of cum?):
Sometimes these things are easy to spot, but this time, I really can’t tell if the cum is fake or not (I’m not sure if that’s good or bad for FraternityX). Can you?
And here’s the video for the full scene. This has nothing to do with the cum, but I can’t believe Casey is bottoming? He’s been the total asshole alpha straight guy of the frat house, so it’s truly shocking to see him being fucked, and now I love him even more. Trailer (watch full scene here):