Gay Porn Star Richard Lam (“Ludvig”) Pleads Not Guilty To Murdering GuySite Owner, Hires George Zimmerman Lawyer Mark O’Mara

Posted June 9, 2023 by with 21 comments

Donald Trump isn’t the only one with an unsealed indictment in Florida this week. Str8UpGayPorn has finally been able to obtain the unsealed indictment in the murder case against Richard Lam—a.k.a. “Ludvig”—who’s been charged with killing William Futral, the owner of gay porn studio TheGuySite.

The capital murder charge carries a possible death penalty sentence for Lam, and in the indictment below, it’s revealed that Futral was stabbed to death in the alleged premeditated murder, which Str8Up first reported exclusively last month. The indictment:

While the original cause of Futral’s death was listed as “upper body trauma,” we now know that he was killed after being stabbed with a knife or other sharp object. It’s not clear why the indictment is vague in terms of not identifying the murder weapon (“knife or other sharp object”), but perhaps the autopsy was inconclusive, or the prosecution doesn’t have the murder weapon.

At Lam’s arraignment last week, the gay-for-pay porn star pleaded not guilty to murdering Futral, with whom Lam lived off and on for several months in a Tampa apartment. Lam also pleaded not guilty to the grand theft auto charge, and he remains in jail as bond was denied:

In a bit of a surprise, Lam has been able to obtain defense attorney Mark O’Mara, who many will recall was the defense attorney for Florida murderer George Zimmerman, who killed innocent black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012. After getting Zimmerman acquitted, O’Mara became a high profile legal commentator who regularly appeared on CNN to discuss the trial of Casey Anthony, another Florida murderer who was able to escape justice after killing her own child. It’s not immediately known how Lam is able to afford representation from O’Mara, but he could of course have family helping him financially.

Lam’s next pretrial hearing isn’t until September. Here’s an interview with O’Mara discussing life after the Zimmerman trial:

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