Here Are Two Weird Videos Of Vadim Black Giving Speeches About Fitness And Global Warming

Posted December 10, 2016 by with 31 comments

screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-7-50-35-pmAs violent and anti-gay as Vadim Black might be, at least he’s not a total idiot, as he apparently believes in climate change? Here he is giving a long (and very boring) speech to his infamous girlfriend Katelin— whom you’ll remember was running a fraudulent Paypal/Snapchat scam with Vadim earlier this year—about the dangers of global warming:

The speech (which was posted publicly to YouTube last month) is for some kind of college speech class Vadim Black is taking. In other news: Who knew Vadim Black was in school??

And, here is Vadim Black doing some more college homework publicly, this time with Katelin and a lady named Mary Ann:

Unless you’re really bored, there’s no need to watch the whole video. But, it’s nice to see Vadim Black doing something other than threatening to kill people or talking about doing drugs on MTV.

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