Jan. 6 Rioter Turned In By Ex After Calling Her A “Moron” Sentenced To 9 Months In Prison

Posted September 7, 2022 by with 1 comment

Justice can be so sweet. Via Philadelphia Inquirer:

A Delaware County man who was turned in by his ex-girlfriend after he called her a “moron” for not believing Democrats had stolen the 2020 presidential election was sentenced to nine months in federal prison Tuesday for participating in the Capitol riot.

Richard Michetti, 29, of Ridley Park, was arguing with his ex via text message on Jan. 6, 2021, as he pushed his way through police lines with an angry mob of Donald Trump supporters. He taunted and harassed officers, calling them “f— animals” and accusing them of “starting a civil war.”

He struck a much more conciliatory tone Tuesday as he stood before U.S. District Judge Christopher R. Cooper at his sentencing hearing in Washington. Michetti, a union construction worker, apologized to police, his family, and the “average Americans who were engaged and fearful by the events that occurred that day.”

[Philadelphia Inquirer]

That’s Michetti (presumably texting his ex?) storming the Capitol in the photo above.

Reminder: Gay-for-pay porn star and white supremacist “Sergeant” Steven Miles has his own trial coming up for attacking the Capitol. His next hearing is on October 11th, and as of today, he’s still pleading not guilty. By going to trial, Miles (who can be seen in photos and videos assaulting Capitol police and destroying federal property) will likely get an extremely long prison sentence after he’s convicted (other domestic terrorists who’ve taken pleas and admitted guilt have been receiving shorter sentences). I wonder which will come first: Sergeant Snowflake’s conviction or Trump’s indictment? We’ll know soon…

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